The second episode of the first series of the Amazon Prime motoring show The Grand Tour premiered on the 25th of November, 2016. It was entitled Operation Desert Stumble. Filming for the studio segments of the show took place in Johannesburg, South Africa in July, 2016 - it was the first show that was filmed for the show.
The guys head to the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre in Jordan to try their hand at becoming special forces in a series of challenges involving tanks, car chases, helicopters, and gun fights, leaving the guys battered, bruised, and bleeding.
Also, May investigates a popular South African motorsport called spinning.
Track Test[]
Clarkson takes the Aston Martin Vulcan to the Eboladrome for The Grand Tour's first track test.
Celebrity Brain Crash[]
This week's guest was South African-born actress Charlize Theron, who was 'killed' by a lion outside the tent.
In this show...[]
- [Jeremy] drive[s] a saloon car...
- James drives a catering lorry...
- And Richard has a knife fight...
Tent Location[]
The tent for this episode was pitched in Johannesburg, the largest and most populous city of South Africa. More specifically, the tent was set-up in the Cradle of Humankind which is on the outskirts of Johannesburg proper.