The fourth episode of the fifteenth series of Top Gear aired on the 18th of July, 2010. It was presented by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig. Godfather and Ocean's actor Andy García was the Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car, with model Lauren McAvoy making a small cameo appearance elsewhere in the episode.
Starting the episode with a letter from "Alan Massiveliar", Jeremy reads said letter out to the audience. It addresses the trio as "Jez, Dick & Jim", before proposing the oddly specific request of wanting a convertible supercar with only £113,500 to spend.
- [Jeremy] wear[s] a hat...
- Richard wears a hat...
- And James wears a hat.
- The overall tone of the episode, including the completely useless "Tonight!" interlude during the introduction sequence marks the start of a change for the show which became apparent during its final 8 seasons under the trio, wherein the genre began to shift from a lad-themed car show to one aimed at a younger audience.
- Jeremy's Citroen and James's Lotus were very hard to find in decent nick and the ones they bought went wrong before filming had even started.