The fifth episode of the seventeenth series of Top Gear aired on the 24th of July, 2011. It was presented by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig. Bob Geldof was the guest star, with ex-Formula 1 race winner Jean Alesi making a cameo appearance during the episode's road test.
- [Jeremy] talk[s] to a man with sunglasses...
- James draws a square on a wall...
- And Richard plays with a soldier's chopper...
The trio have a go at house demolition. After they fail in Albania, they are challenged by professional demolishers in a race while they use military vehicles.
The Interceptors[]
Jeremy has a look at a modern interpretation of the Jensen Interceptor before he, Richard and James star in a TV series branded "The Interceptors".
Power Test[]
Jeremy tests the F1 inspired Lotus T125 which proves to be more difficult than he anticipated.
Bob Geldof is the celebrity in the Kia Cee'd.